Review: Skruf White No22

Review: Skruf White No22

I’ve been a big fan of the Skruf line since I started using snus in my early days. Skruf, to me, was always like “the rebel” company. They took the traditional snus flavor profile and put a twist on it, adding their own touch on what they thought the flavor should be. And to this day, Skruf is still one of the best selling snus products out there. And, with good cause! Today, we have one of the OG Skruf products: Skruf White Portion, now called Skruf White No22 Medium. Let’s jump into it and check this one out!


The catch lid on this one pops off on top, and reveals your used portion compartment, a great place to discard of used pouches if you aren’t near a trash receptacle! The flavor description on this one says, “A white portion snus from Skruf with medium strong kicks and the iconic Skruf flavor of tobacco, bergamot and rose oil”. I counted 24 portions in the can, and with a 21.6g can weight that equates to 0.9g. The nicotine content sits at 12mg/g, so this one sits at around 10.8mg/portion. This is a two dot on their can, or “medium” nicotine strength.


Opening up the can, the aroma that comes through is a floral aroma of rose, along with light notes of bergamot. It’s certainly different, but still has that traditional Swedish Snus feel to it. The portions are semi-dry, soft, and pretty comfortable up under the upper lip. The flavor is where this one shines. I like how the rose oil plays off the bergamot. The two are very fitting bedfellows. The tobacco base is gentle, and earthy, and goes well with those top notes. In the nicotine strength this one sits at 10.8mg/portion, but to me it does feel at the regular strength level. It has a steady, and satisfying delivery of nicotine. The flavor hangs out quite a while! I’ve found with Skruf White I can usually enjoy these portions for over an hour.

The Bottom Line

I love the Skruf line. I’ve been a big fan of it for many, many years. If you like products like General, you definitely need to check out Skruf. It’s traditional, but also unique. The rose oil really does add an extra dimension to the flavor of this one. I’m more partial to their Xtra Stark Original Portion, but really any Skruf product is good; there isn’t a bad product in their range!

See what Snubie means, and try Skruf #22 via this link!

Like Skruf? Find even more Skruf products here!