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If you’re familiar with ON! Nicotine Pouches, one thing you’ll want to keep in mind is that these aren’t your average, everyday ON! Nicotine Pouches. While most ON! pouches come in the mini/dry format, these are something completely different. This series is a pretty interesting one and I’ve really been looking forward to reviewing it. Today I have the Citrus flavor on hand, in two strengths: Regular and Strong. So, today we’re going to check these out, and do a double review of both of these strengths!
For those who frequently use tobacco-free nicotine pouches, the ZYN brand from Swedish Match is a well-known and established name. As one of the earliest products on the market, their slim and discreet all-white nicotine pouches have become one of the most popular types of snus products available. Now you can get Zyn Original Mini in two different strenghts - read more right here at the SnusExpress blog!
Discover the new wave of nicotine pouches from VELO. Experience unique flavors and innovative technology. Read more right here at the SnusExpress blog!
Göteborgs Rapé Gullbergs Kaj: A white portion snus from Göteborgs Rapé named after one of Gothenburg’s oldest docks still in use. A snus that puts a summery and aromatic twist on the timeless and iconic Göteborgs Rapé recipe! Read more about this tasty newcomer in our snus blog here at SnusExpress!