Review: General White Mini Portion

Review: General White Mini Portion

If you’ve read my content long, you already know that I’m a very big fan of General Snus. For almost 15 years now it’s been one of my regular snus flavors that I always have around. The General family has a lot of variants so no matter what portion size or nicotine strength you enjoy, there’s something in there for you. This is one I don’t really use myself, but it’s one that’s been around for quite a while. Today, we go small-size and check out General White Mini Portion. This is one that has the familiar flavor of General White Portion, but comes in a smaller can with smaller portions! With this one, you get all the great attributes of General White Portion, but with a pocket friendly can and more discrete portions. Let’s check it out!


The product description for this one from says, “The most discreet General Snus to date! General Mini White by Swedish Match comes in small mini portions that deliver medium strong nicotine kicks (4 mg/portion) together with General timeless flavor of spicy tobacco, bergamot and light undertones of tea, hay and tar. Its white and mini-sized portions fit perfectly under your lip, and they have have somewhat dry surfaces that reduce their drip which in turn lengthens their release of both flavor and nicotine”. Each can weighs in at 10 grams and has 20 portions, for 0.5 grams each. The nicotine content sits at 8mg/g, and with the 0.5 gram portions that breaks down to 4mg/portion.

In the photo, you’ll see this can next to a One Vit can. As you can see, this is a smaller can than your regular snus can. It’s quite pocket friendly, and need I say, cute? I mean, that’s the best word I can come up with for it. The catch lid is located on top of the can, and is a place you can quickly and easily discard of your used portions if you aren’t near a trash receptacle!


Opening the can, the aroma that comes through is the familiar smell of General Snus! I pick up the smell of bergamot up front, followed by some spicy tobacco and a slight hay-like, almost grassy presence. The portions come in the Star Formation, so they have a nice presentation when you open the can. They are smaller in size, so I usually use two. But, if you like the size of mini portions, you’ll be pleased with these. I used a lot of mini portions in my early days, so it’s kind of a nice blast from the past to have some. The portions are pretty soft, and comfortable. They’re slightly dry at first, but they will get more soft and more moist the longer you have them under your lip. The flavor of General is pretty present with this one. I pick up a taste of bergamot up front, followed by a nice tobacco base and hints of pepper. There is a hay flavor in the background, as well. It’s a pretty well rounded, traditional flavor profile! The nicotine strength on this one is lighter, which is good, because some people want to find products with lighter strengths. It feels a little below the regular level, to me. The flavor lasts a good hour, on average.

The Bottom Line

With General Snus, it honestly can’t be beat. There aren’t many products on the market that have the same high quality and rich flavor of General Snus. There’s a reason this is one of the highest regarded snus lines on the market, because of the high quality. If you like mini portions, this is one you’ll definitely want to have in your rotation. It truly is one of those “all day every day” types of products that you can use all the time and just not burn out on. I definitely suggest giving it a try!

You can try General Mni White right here at!

And don't forget to complete your order with even more versions of the Classic General Snus!