Planet Sweetmint Earth

Planet Sweetmint Earth

It’s time for another nicotine pouch review in the Planet series! Today, we’re coming home with Planet Earth! The flavor profile on this one is, of course, mint. Of all the ones in the series, I think this is the one that fits the most? Why? Because in the world of smokeless tobacco, most of what people use is mint flavors. It’s pretty fair to say mint tastes run the world. So, if you want a flavor to represent a bulk of people using products like these, it’s fair to say mint is the one that fits.

In the past, I’ve done some fun facts on the Planet we’re talking about in each review, but since we’re talking about the planet Earth, many may already know them. So, let’s look at some fun, obscure facts about the planet Earth. The Earth isn’t flat, sorry to break that news. But, it’s also not a perfect circle. The planet actually bulges slightly at the equator. Earth isn’t the largest plant in the solar system, but it’s the largest terrestrial planet. The word “earth” is over 1,000 years old and stems from Old English, meaning “ground”. So, there’s a few fun facts to wow your friends.


The product description for this one says, “Planet Sweetmint Earth Slim – A tobacco free and all-white snus from the manufacturer Nikotabako that offers a refreshing and stimulating experience! Its discreet and slim nicotine pouches deliver a sweet mint flavor together with strong nicotine kicks (10.5 mg/portion).The natural plant fiber filling used by its nicopods ensures that they won’t stain and that they drip minimally. This low amount of drip lengthens in turn their satisfying release of both flavor and nicotine”.

Each can weighs 13 grams and has 20 pouches, for 0.65g pouches. The nicotine content is 16mg/g, which breaks down to 10.4mg/pouch. So, just a little over regular strength in the per pouch level.

Opening up the can, the aroma of mint comes through pretty clearly. It’s slightly herbal, with a dab of menthol to it. The pouches are pretty interesting. They’re long, and slim. They’re not super dry, but not super moist. They’re kind of right in the middle. Under the lip, they have a little bit of a cooling sensation to them. The flavor is a pretty refreshing, fresh flavor. I find the mint comes through pretty clearly. It’s not super bold, but it has a nice present amount to it. I like how it comes across though, it’s really nice. It’s not too much, but not too little. Just kind of in that sweet spot in the middle with a little fresh nature to it. If you like mint, I think you’d probably dig this one. In the nicotine strength, this one isn’t too strong. It has a nice hit around the regular strength level, and I find it to have a pretty steady delivery of nicotine. It’s pretty pleasing. The flavor lasts a good amount of time; usually I can keep one of these in for about 40 to 45 minutes. So, not too bad there!

The Bottom Line

All in all a pretty good product. If you like mint, you’ll be satisfied with this one. It’s not super bold and in your face, but it’s pretty well balanced. I don’t use a ton of mint products, but I find this one to be pretty solid. It’s regular strength, which you don’t see very often nowadays. So, all in all, I find it to be enjoyable, and one that mint lovers should definitely check out.

Try your home planet Earth in the form of nicotine pouches, right here at SnusExpress!

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