
Midsummer In Sweden and Swedish Snus – The Ultimate Combination

What are the best varieties of Swedish Snus to enjoy this Midsummer Eve?

Midsummer Eve this year is fast approaching, and this year it will be celebrated on Friday, 23rd June. For many people, Midsummer Eve is more than just the longest day of the year. It’s considered a magical night and for a good reason!

Traditionally, Midsummer was a celebration and a way to welcome in the summertime and also ensure that the season of fertility got off to the right start. Let’s take a closer look at how people are celebrating Midsummer this year!

The Magic of Midsummer Night

From the late Middle Ages, Swedes began the tradition of raising and dancing around the Midsummer Pole. The pole would typically be decorated with flowers and greenery and sometimes be referred to as a maypole.

In agrarian society, Midsummer Night was a time of magic when plants acquired mystical healing powers and could be used to predict the future. Young women would pick seven different types of flowers, place them under their pillows, and then dream of their future husbands! The flowers needed to be picked in total silence, or the magic could be broken.

There are also some other traditions, such as walking barefoot in the dew as the night transitioned into the day, which would help you stay healthy, and wearing a wreath of flowers in your hair as a powerful symbol of fertility and rebirth. Flowers were typically dried to preserve the magic for the rest of the year.

Celebrating Midsummer is all about celebrating the fact that the best part of the year is still to come!

Food, Drink, and Snus During Midsummer

Like all celebrations, Midsummer is all about food and drink, eating and drinking with friends, family, and loved ones. There are some absolute musts when it comes to traditional foods and drinks to enjoy during Midsummer.

Some of the musts include fresh potatoes, pickled herring, Aquavit, and fresh juicy ripe strawberries. This is the true flavor of Sweden!

Before we jump into more of the foods and how they are enjoyed, let’s look at some of the finest Swedish Snus varieties that pair well with the fresh fruit flavors of Midsummer.

Volt Pearls Twisted Berry Medium Slim is a medium-strength tobacco-free nicotine pouch that will blow you away with its delicious fruity flavor with sweet hints of vanilla. Like the name suggests, 77 Strawberry Medium Slim is all about that delicious strawberry flavor!

Fresh potatoes first made an appearance in Sweden in the mid-1600s, and fresh ‘färskpotatis’ cooked with dill are an absolute must! Combined with pickled herring, gravlax, and Swedish meatballs, you’re in for a real treat!

Traditional Drinking Songs and Music to Experience During Midsummer Eve

If you really want to enjoy Aquavit, then toasting and singing with friends, family, and even strangers is the ultimate way to do it. Every time a new toast is made, a new song must be sung, and the most popular song of all is the popular song ‘Helan går,’ which means ‘the whole goes down’ and refers to the drink being the first of many. If you miss the first, you can’t have the second!

While we’re covering traditions, why not enjoy some traditional Swedish snus varieties with your Midsummer drinks? Göteborgs Rapé features delicious hints of fresh citrus and woody oak that will delight your taste buds. General Original is easily one of the most popular traditional Swedish snus and combines the spicy flavor of tobacco, tea, hay, and leather topped off with a hint of bergamot. Artisan Signature Blend White and Artisan Signature Blend Original is a premium portion snus that deliver potent nicotine kicks and boasts flavors of rich and robust earthiness that’s sure to be a crowd pleaser this Midsummer Eve.

All meals on Midsummer are finished off with a bowl of delicious fresh strawberries topped with whipped cream. It doesn’t get better than that!

So, how are you planning on spending Midsummer Eve this year? If you enjoy snus, drinking, and eating with friends, then Midsummer is the perfect night for you!