Artisan snus, introducing new productline

Introducing Artisan Snus

The time has come to get excited about one of the coolest Snus products on the market!

If you enjoy traditional Snus with tobacco, you will really like this article about Artisan Snus! Artisan Snus was developed in collaboration with Snubie and The Snus Factory, and it is the world's first Snus product line created by the Snus community for the Snus community. In the following article, we will take a closer look at the history of Artisan Snus and some of its most popular Snus products. If you love Snus, chances are you will fall in love with Artisan's premium Snus products.

About Artisan Snus

Artisan Snus is a well-known new brand from the Swedish manufacturer, The Snus Factory, and the famous American Snus connoisseur, Chad "Snubie" Jones. Artisan Snus was developed in collaboration with The Snus Factory, Chad "Snubie" Jones, and the Snus community, and it is the perfect combination of robust features and tobacco-focused Snus flavor. Strong trends in the world of Snus that are currently gaining popularity include both tobacco-free Snus varieties and pure white Snus with high nicotine content. As a result, releases of traditional Snus flavors have become increasingly rare, despite the demand from conventional Snus users. Artisan Snus, together with Snubie, has set out to fill the gap in traditional flavored Snus products through their line of premium Artisan Snus varieties.

The perfect tobacco blend

Crafting the perfect blend of Artisan Snus, focusing on quality, flavor, and format, Artisan Snus and its team have leveraged feedback from Snus users worldwide, focusing on pouch size, flavor, and graphic design to gain a clear understanding of what Snus users truly expect and need from their Snus products. Understandably, the expectations of Snus users were high. And in order to meet them, Artisan Snus sources top-quality, hand-picked tobacco from India, Guatemala, and the USA.

A closer look on Artisan

Once you try Artisan Snus, you will immediately notice that the pouches of their Snus products are larger than usual. Artisan Snus wanted to provide their customers with what they wanted, focusing on generous portions and a pleasantly soft feel. With bold flavors, Artisan Snus delivers a satisfying and strong nicotine kick in its premium Snus products.

The varieties

Let's take a look at the Snus varieties offered by Artisan Snus Among their key Snus varieties, Artisan Snus offers a careful selection of Snus products available in both original and white portions.

Artisan Signature Blend Original - This distinctive premium blend was designed for Snus users who appreciate a strong kick in their Snus along with premium and pure tobacco flavor. It is the perfect combination of robust, dark, and earthy tobacco.

Artisan Dark Vanilla Original - The Madagascar vanilla and robust, rustic tobacco flavor in Artisan Snus' Dark Vanilla Original will surely be a big hit among Snus enthusiasts. The vanilla flavor in the Snus complements the earthy note of the tobacco perfectly.

Artisan Signature Blend White - If you prefer your Snus with a stronger nicotine kick, then the Signature Blend White Snus is the right choice for you! Artisan's Signature Blend White offers robust and earthy tobacco flavors combined with a strong nicotine kick for true Snus enthusiasts who prefer to enjoy their Snus with a powerful kick!

Artisan Dark Vanilla White Dry - What could be better than Dark Vanilla White Dry, the perfect combination of a powerful nicotine kick and delicious flavor? This premium Snus blend from Artisan combines the rustic and earthy note of tobacco with just the right amount of dark Madagascar vanilla.

Artisan Espresso Original - If you love coffee and Snus, then you'll feel like you're in Snus heaven with Artisan's Espresso Original Snus blend. This premium Snus combines a strong nicotine kick perfectly with rich tobacco flavor, dark coffee, and subtle undertones of chocolate and nuttiness.

Introducing Artisan Snus - Conclusion

There you have it! Everything you wanted to know about the exciting new range of premium Snus products from Artisan Snus. As the world of Snus continues to grow, we are excited about the many new Snus products coming to the market, especially Artisan Snus.

If you have any questions about Artisan Snus or would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is ready to assist you.