How To: Icetool

How To: Icetool

So, you’re new to loose snus, and want to get into this historical product category.  Loose snus is the original way to use snus, so it makes sense that more and more people are getting into this.  While loose snus is the least present form of snus, a lot of people are finding themselves curious about this format.  Today, we’re going to check out one tool that makes using loose snus easier:  the Icetool!  While I often handbake my snus, I know a lot of people don’t want to do it that way.  Some want an easy, clean, efficient way to do it.  Well, the Icetool is the right tool for the job.  Today, I’m going to walk you through how to use the Icetool, along with some pro-tips on usage.

Step 1 - Pull back the plunger

First, I like to pull back the plunger before I put it into the snus.  Some choose not to do this, and just push it into the loose and let the plunger rise on it’s own.  Honestly, you can do it either way.  But for me, this is where I start.  On the plunger, you’ll notice some lines there.  In the snus community, these are often called “clicks”.  I like to go to the second line, or “make a two click prilla”.  A prilla, of course, is a portion of loose snus.

Step 2 - Insert into the snus

Next, you’ll insert it into the snus and let the cylinder fill.  This may take a few jabs to get as much loose into it as you ultimately want. 

Step 3 - Compress the loose

After the cylinder is filled, I put the barrel of the Icetool against the lid of the snus can, and compress it from there.  This packs the snus more tightly, and also helps it not fall apart once you get it into the lip.

Step 4 - Into the lip!

From here, you can do it one of two ways.  I like to shoot the snus out into my palm and then insert it into the lip by hand.  Or, with a little more practice, you can insert the barrel of the Icetool into your lip and extract it that way, to avoid contact with your hand.  Really, either way is fine!

Pro-Tip:  Lubrication

Now, for some tips.  First, you’ll notice a little black ring.  This o-ring helps the Icetool plunger slide in and out of the barrel.  I suggest keeping this lubricated.  You don’t have to do it all the time, but I do it semi-regularly, at least after washing.  I usually choose to use a food-safe oil, such as vegetable oil or olive oil.  Basically, just put a little on your finger and coat the ring.  It helps the Icetool operate more smoothly.

Pro-Tip:  Cleaning

It’s important to keep the Icetool clean!  After every use, I run it under water, and clean out any snus debris.  After that, I sit it on a towel on the counter and let it air dry.  It’s pretty easy to clean, and an important part of owning an Icetool!

The Bottom Line

And there you have it!  The Icetool is a neat, easy to use accessory that makes loose snus as easy as pie.  Handbaking is it’s own thing, and some prefer to do it.  But, some prefer to stick with tools like this to make their snus experience more clean and user-friendly.  No matter which way you fall in this spectrum, loose snus is a great way to enjoy traditional loose snus! 

Click here to check out the blue Icetool!

Also availaible in a champagne colored finish