Comparing the Pros and Cons of Snus Vs Vaping

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Snus Vs Vaping

Snus Vs Vaping: What are the pros and cons? Let’s check it out!

Snus vs vaping is a big debate right now around the world, so we thought that we’d take a minute to check out the differences between the two and the pros and cons of vaping or using snus products.

Worldwide, vaping has been growing in popularity since the early 2000s, with many ex-smokers using vaping as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. Unlike snus, which has been around for centuries, vaping is the new kid on the block. However, snus is starting to gain a lot of popularity throughout Europe and North America.

So, in this snus vs vaping article, we thought out what we’d compare snus and vaping and see what the significant differences are between them and the pros and cons of snus and vaping.

What Are Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches or snus are small portions of tobacco made from plant-based materials filled with sweeteners, nicotine, tobacco, and other plant material.

Almost all snus or nicotine pouch brands are individually portioned out, typically in 10-20 portions to a tin or can, so you can easily use one portion at a time.

There is a considerable difference between different brands and types of snus, with extra strong or extra strength snus ideal for experienced users looking for a strong and long-lasting nicotine hit and milder versions for light users or new snus users.

What Are Vaporizers and What Is Vaping?

Vaporizers, vapes, or e-cigarettes are extremely common among young adults, with many people making the switch from smoking cigarettes to vaping.

Vapes basically function by a power source, typically a rechargeable battery, which sends current to a coil located in a tank holding e-liquid, which heats the e-liquid or vape juice and turns it into vapor.

The e-liquid or vape juice has different flavors and different levels of nicotine, typically displayed as a number 0/mg on the e-liquid bottle or vaporizer itself.

Vaping began life with cheap disposable e-cigarettes, then developed into much larger and more expensive customizable sub-ohm mods, but has evolved back into more affordable disposable vapes.

What’s the Difference Between Vaping and Nicotine Pouches?

  Nicotine Pouches/Snus Vaporizers
Tobacco Content Yes/No No
Nicotine Strength 0mg – 30mg/g 0mg – 30mg + Higher
Flavors Yes Yes
How To Use Placed under your upper or lower lip for 30-45 minutes, depending on the product. Inhale with the vaporizer powered on, similar to smoking a traditional cigarette.

Using the table above as a reference, you can see that there are some similarities between the roles the two play and their purpose, but the methods are very different. However, we know one thing for sure: there’s a massive variety of different flavors and strengths to choose from with each product, snus and vaping.

One key difference between the two is the way that they’re marketed. Because snus or nicotine pouches aren’t openly seen, apart from the tin, there’s no real marketing put into their appearance.

On the other hand, when you vape, everyone sees your vaporizer, which has placed a big emphasis on the design and marketing appeal of vaporizers, especially disposable vaporizers. It’s why you see so many different vaporizer designs and colors.


Why Is Vaping So Popular In Europe?

As the popularity of traditional cigarettes drops, long-term smokers are searching for an alternative to naturally transition into e-cigarettes or vaporizers. The more people vape, the more they see other vapers, and the more vape shops start to pop up all over the country.

When you factor in the fun flavors, colors, and designs of vaporizers, you can see why younger users are taking up vaping, including those who never smoked, to begin with. While vaping can be an effective way for some people to kick their smoking habit, the increasing rates of people taking up vaping have governments worried about long-term health effects.

However, it’s not just vaping that is becoming more popular. Many people across North America and Europe are increasingly looking for alternative methods to quit smoking, including nicotine pouches, which are rising in popularity.

Are Nicotine Pouches or Snus Safer Than Vaping and E-Cigarettes?

Long-term health and safety studies into vaping haven’t been done due to how long they have been in use, and while some health studies have been done, there’s a lot of controversy surrounding vaping and its effect on our health.

Some studies have claimed that vaping is up to 95% safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. However, you are still inhaling different chemicals depending on what you are vaping and what ingredients were used in the e-liquid manufacturing process.

When you use nicotine pouches, you aren’t inhaling any vapor or smoke, but you are consuming nicotine. Both methods involve the absorption of nicotine, and there are some adverse side effects associated with overconsumption of nicotine.

Are Snus or Nicotine Pouches Better Than Vaping?

While choosing snus over vaping is a personal choice, there are various reasons why you might consider snus or nicotine pouches rather than vaping. Below, we’ll look at some of the pros and cons when it comes to snus vs vaping.

  • Snus and Nicotine Pouches are More Discreet than Vaping – There’s no hiding the fact you are vaping. The big cloud of vapor generally gives it away. Most businesses and governments now use the same restrictions on where and when you vape as smoking. On the other hand, when you use snus or nicotine pouches, it can be placed discreetly under your lip, out of sight.

  • Unlike Vaping, Snus or Nicotine Pouches Can Be Used Anywhere – With the growing restrictions on where and when you vape, snus and nicotine pouches are offering users more flexibility on when and where they use them.

  • No Vapor or Smoke – Unlike vaping or smoking, there’s no vapor or smoke being inhaled when you use snus or nicotine pouches.

If you’re tired of smoking or vaping and looking for a more discreet and potentially safer way to get your daily dose of nicotine, then snus or nicotine pouches could be the right choice for you. Right here at SnusExpress you will find a big variety of Snus and Nicotine Pouches – and even Energy Pouches totally free of nicotine and tobacco. Any questions? Let us know and get in touch with the friendly SnusExpress Customer Care!