Review: Lynx Fizzy Lemonade

Review: Lynx Fizzy Lemonade

The Lynx line is a new line of nicotine pouches made by Another Snus Factory, makers of the popular Loop nicotine pouches series! They launched a few months ago with three flavors: Fizzy Lemonade, Tropical Passion, and Blueberry Boost. Today, we have the tangy, tropical flavor of Fizzy Lemonade to check out! I’m pretty partial to their Tropical Passion, but this is one that I’ve definitely found to be quite tasty. Summer is upon us, the days are getting longer, and the months are getting warmer, so this is one that I felt like reviewing today to really get into that summer spirit! I’m one who likes to pair flavors I enjoy with the seasons, and this is one of those flavor types that I think fits just right with the summer months. Warm weather and citrus flavors are great companions, that is for sure! So, let’s get into this review and check out this tasty pouch! Grab a can, and let’s check out Lynx Fizzy Lemonade!


The product description for this one says, “Lynx Fizzy Lemonade Strong – A tobacco free and all-white snus that treats you to a stimulating and refreshing experience in a discreet way! Its slim sized nicotine pouches deliver a zesty citrus flavor together with strong and satisfying nicotine kicks. The natural plant fiber filling used ensures that these nicopods won’t stain and that they drip minimally. This low amount of drip results in a long-lasting release of both flavor and nicotine. Manufactured by Another Snus Factory. The can is a PlantCan and it’s made of 100% bioplastic”. 


Each can weighs 15 grams and contains 20 pouches. This means, of course, each pouch weighs 0.75 grams each. The nicotine content sits at 14mg/g, which breaks down to 10.5mg/pouch, or just a little above the regular strength mark.


Opening the can, the lemon aroma that comes through is quite nice. It’s a gentle lemon aroma, and has some tart and tangy elements to it. It does have a slight sweetness to it, but it’s not overdone by any means. The pouches are quite nice. They’re slim, and very soft. They feel great under the lip, too. These have a nice moisture amount to them, so the flavor comes on pretty quickly, as well, which is a nice bonus! In the flavor profile, it definitely captures that ice cold taste of lemonade! It’s a fresh, natural taste of lemon. The lemon is tart, but not super bitter. It has some sweetness to it, but not too much sweetness that it’s overdone. It’s very well balanced, and well done. The nicotine strength on this one is strong, but not too strong. To me, it feels to be just a little above the regular strength mark. Not too strong, not too weak, but just right. The flavor also has quite some legs to it, lasting a good 40-45 minutes on average. For most nicotine pouches, this is a pretty long stretch of lifespan. 


The Bottom Line

And there we go, Lynx Fizzy Lemonade! If you’ve never had the Lynx series, all three products are pretty tasty and worth a try. Tropical Passion is my favorite of the series, but Fizzy Lemonade comes in second place. Honestly, both of these tastes are great, especially right now with summer upon us. I mean, you could use these anytime of year if you wanted to, but they’re especially good in the summertime. So, head on over to SnusExpress. Grab a can or two on your next order. I think you’ll be quite pleased with the Lynx series, especially Fizzy Lemonade!


Try Lynx Fizzy Lemonade right here at!


And explore the whole range from Lynx here!