Review: Dope Ice Mango

Review: Dope Ice Mango

I’m a big fan of mango flavors. So, when I saw this one I was like “oh yeah, I gotta try it”. I’m not a big fan of the name, I think it’s kinda cheesy. But, a lot of products have silly names and odd designs. To me, what matters most is what’s inside the can. So, today we have Dope Ice Mango, a nicotine pouch product made by a company called Consumer Brands International. As I write this it’s October, so summer is wrapping up but it’s still rather warm outside. So, mango still fits just right in the summertime. In the summer, I usually like more citrusy or tropical flavors. There aren’t a lot of mango snus or nicotine pouches out there, but when I find one, oh boy do I get excited about it. This one was no exception. As soon as my box came in from this was the first can I opened. True story!

So, without further ado, let’s dive in to Dope Ice Mango and see what this one is all about!


The flavor description for this one says, “Its tobacco free and slim nicotine pouches deliver strong and powerful nicotine kicks (11 mg/portion) together with a tasty mango flavor that is topped with icy tones of mint”. This one has an interesting catch lid. It has a little prong that goes through the top and it swivels. So, you can’t take it off, but it does move around a little bit. I like it, it’s different. The can weighs 15.4g and has 22 portions, for 0.7g each. The nicotine content sits at 16mg/g, or 11.2mg/portion.


Opening up the can, I notice a mild, natural mango presence up front. It has a little minty character to it, but it’s not a lot. It’s not super icy, or bold in the presence. It’s got a cooling presence to it, but it’s not too overdone. Honestly, I’m not sure why you need to mix mint and mango, but everything these days is mint, so it is what it is. But, it smells good. The pouches are slim, moderately moist, and pretty soft under the lip. They have a slight cooling sensation under the lip when you put one in, as well. The flavor is a slow build, but it does develop quite nicely. The mango taste is front and center. It’s natural, and not too overly sweet. It has a tropical essence to it, which is pretty tasty. There is a cooling presence with this one, but it’s not minty. It’s kinda just there for me. But, the flavor is pretty good. I enjoy it. The nicotine strength isn’t too much, not what I expected. I mean, for me it’s nice. I like that it hits around the regular level. That’s more my speed. So I’m glad it wasn’t what I expected. The flavor lasts a good amount of time, as well! I found I can enjoy this one for a good 45-50 minutes, on average.

The Bottom Line

All in all, I was pretty pleased with this one. The graphics and all that kind of turned me off when I first saw it, but once I was able to see past all that I was pretty pleased with what’s inside the can. I met a quality nicotine pouch with a fresh, tropical mango flavor that sit just right with me in the warm weather. The mint wasn’t as overbearing as I anticipated, so that’s a good thing. I don’t know why they mix mint into everything nowadays but hey, it is what it is. That being said, if you like tropical flavors, give this one a go! I think you’ll dig it.

Try this new fresh mango taste from Dope here!

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