Review: Thunder Frosted Slim White Dry Chew Bags

Review: Thunder Frosted Slim White Dry Chew Bags

I’ve long been a fan of Thunder Snus. Unfortunately, after Swedish Match purchased V2 Tobacco (creator of Thunder Snus), they pulled it from the market. Thunder Frosted is a flavor that has always been special to me, and was one of the ones I used in my early days of snus so long ago. You can imagine how excited I was when I saw today I would be reviewing a Thunder product! While these are gone from the world of snus, they live on in the world of chew bags! Thunder Frosted was their most popular flavor back in the day, so it’s exciting to me to see that they have a multitude of variants available in the Thunder Frosted format, such as White Portion, Slim White Dry Portion, and “Lit” Original Portion! Today, we have the slim white dry version to talk about, so let’s check it out!


The product description for this one says, “Thunder Frosted Slim White Dry Chewing Bags have an extremely fresh taste of icy cold spearmint and yield a long-lasting flavor. The portions come in the white dry format, which is a pouch with a dry surface and slightly drier tobacco.  This Thunder will have a very light drip and a longer lasting flavor. Available in discreet, long, slim chew bags!” Each can weighs 13.2 grams and has 24 chew bags, weighing in at 0.55g each. The nicotine strength sits at 16mg/g. That would normally be extra strong, but due to the 0.55g pouch weight, it’s actually 8.8mg per chew bag, or regular strength.

When I opened the can, it took me right back to my early days of snus. The aroma of Thunder Frosted is one you don’t forget. I notice a mild, natural, lightly sweet aroma of spearmint. There’s a light tobacco presence in the background, as well. The chew bags come in the slim white dry format, which is a dryer pouch. The tobacco inside the pouch needs to be broken up a bit, so I suggest fluffing it and rolling it around in your finger to break it up and make it more comfortable. Under the lip, it’s a bit dry at first, but as the pouch gets more moist it will soften up and become much more comfortable. Being a mint product, you’ll encounter a nice cooling sensation when you put one of these under your lip. The flavor is really nice. I’ve honestly missed Thunder Frosted, so it was nice to taste it again after all these years! The spearmint flavor comes across in a mild way. It’s gentle, and not overly sweet. I notice a faint hint of tobacco after I’ve had a pouch in for a while, but it doesn’t overtake the mint flavor. The nicotine strength on this one, though called an “extra strong”, is actually only 8.8mg/chew bag, or regular strength. To me, it feels about the strong level, though. It has a little extra kick to it, but not too much that it’s over the top. The flavor longevity is where this one really shines. White dry chew bags, snus portions, and pouches yield a longer lasting flavor due to the format. Most white portions last about an hour, but these why dry chew bags last much longer! I’ve been able to enjoy one of these for up to almost 2 hours - quite impressive!

The Bottom Line

If you’re somewhere that can purchase chew bags, consider yourself lucky to be able to get Thunder. I’m quite jealous, because it’s been pulled from the snus market for as long as I can remember. Using this one brought back some fond memories, and I certainly enjoyed it. Thunder Frosted is a solid product. It has a great taste, and a high product quality. If you’re a mint lover and looking for an all day/every-day type of pouch, this is one you can use day in and day out. If you like mint, make sure you give this one a try on your next order!

You can find Thunder Frosted Slim right here at!

And why not complete your order with even more chewing bags from Thunder, browse here!