Review: Kronan White Portion

Review: Kronan White Portion

Today, we come to Kronan White Portion. If you know me, you know my thoughts on Kronan. I’m not the biggest fan of it. But it’s okay, not everyone will like every snus. I know a lot of people who are massive fans of Kronan. So, with that in mind, I figured I’d dig into it and give it a go. If you notice these photos I took, the can is sitting atop some fresh cucumbers from our garden. These are ones that I’m going to turn into pickles at the end of season. That’s kind of an inside joke, because people always joke that Kronan tastes like pickles. Some notice it, some don’t. So, let’s get into the review and talk about this snus!


The flavor description for this one says, “A great-value white portion snus from Swedish Match with a classic flavor of dark tobacco topped with light tones of citrus and violet”. Each can sits at 19.2g, and has 22 portions, weighing 0.87g each. The nicotine content sits at 8mg/g, or 6.96mg per portion. Looking at the can design, you’ll notice the catch lid sits right on top of the can. You can pop it open to reveal a compartment to discard of your used portions if you aren’t near a trash bin!


And, here we go. Let’s open this can. Right off the bat, I notice violet when I open the can. There’s an herbal character behind it that reminds me of dill (hence the pickle jokes). There’s a dark tobacco base, along with a dab of citrus. The portions are soft to the touch, and come in the Star Formation. I suggest rolling them around in your fingers to fluff them up, it makes them softer when you put one under your lip. They have a nice mouthfeel to them, with a slow flavor build due to the white portion format. The flavor is interesting. It’s floral, with the violet. It’s also herbal, with the dill. Some don’t pick up the dill, but I notice it every time. The tobacco flavor is dark, and is a nice backbone to the floral and herbal tastes. There is a little lemon hint to it, but it’s pretty mild. The nicotine strength on this one feels to deliver right at the regular strength mark, and has a steady delivery. The flavor hangs out about an hour, on average.

The Bottom Line

To me, Kronan is one of those brands that could go either way. I’m not the biggest fan if it myself. But I know people who absolutely love it; it’s their full time, every day brand. I recommend trying it just because I don’t know where you’ll fall on the spectrum. It’s not a bad snus, don’t get me wrong. But for me, I just can’t get into the flavor. So, let’s see where you fall! Grab yourself a can of Kronan and see what you think of it!

You can try Kronan White Portion via this link!

And find even more from Kronan Snus here!