Review: Knox Green

Review: Knox Green

I first had this one back in October, and it certainly is an interesting snus. Today, we have Skruf’s Knox Green to talk about! Thinking back to 2020, I remember a product that Swedish Match made called One Grön (Green). Some of you may remember that one. That one had an interesting flavor that reminded me a lot of kitchen herbs. This one really makes me think of that one. If you’ve had that one and liked it, you are going to be pleased with this one. Knox Green is another new addition to what I like to call “green snus flavors”. You find these flavors with Lundgren’s Norrland, for example. These are flavors that make me think of the outdoors, nature, and herbs. This one is more on the side of herbs, but is very much an outdoorsy type of snus.  I am an outdoorsy person, so anytime I see something with a flavor that is “green” in essence, I’m naturally curious.

So, let’s jump right into this and get to know Knox Green a little better!


The description from SnusExpress for this one says “Knox Karaktär Green White – A Limited Edition Knox Snus from the Swedish manufacturer Skruf inspired by the wast and deep Swedish forests. Its white portions deliver medium strong nicotine kicks (10.5 mg/portion) together with a well-balanced tobacco flavor that incorporates rustic tones of spruce shoots and birch sap, creating a nuanced dance of aromas. The somewhat dry surfaces of these well-filled portions reduce their drip, which in turn lengthens their release of both flavor and nicotine”. Each can weighs in at 19.2g and has 22 portions, for 0.87g each. The nicotine content sits at 12mg/g, which breaks down to 10.44mg/portion.

When I tried this one for the first time, I was honestly expecting a clone of Norrland. Norrland is a favorite snus of mine, so I was excited for that. However, upon using it, I found it to be quite different. The aroma makes me think of kitchen herbs such as thyme and oregano. There’s a birch-like presence to it, but it mostly smells like kitchen herbs. The portions are nice and plump, with a soft portion material that feels great in the lip and against the gums. In the flavor, it’s an interesting one. Like I mentioned before, it reminds me a lot of One Green. There’s a mild tobacco base to it. Sitting on top of that is a taste of thyme, and oregano. There is a little birch type of flavor to it, but it’s not super present or anything. It’s an interesting flavor, that’s for sure. The nicotine strength sits at 10.44mg/portion, and to me it feels close to the regular strength mark. The flavor lasts a good hour, on average.

The Bottom Line

Okay, so this is one that wasn’t really for me. I’m not saying it’s a bad snus, I’m just saying it’s a flavor I couldn’t get into myself. Don’t let that run you off however, because everyone enjoys different flavors. I have friends who swore by One Green, and many of those love this one as well. Everyone has different types of flavors they are into, so even though this isn’t one I’d use again, I can say it was pretty decent and I think others may enjoy it. If you like herbal tastes, or outdoorsy flavors, grab a can of this one to try out. You may end up enjoying it! It certainly is a unique one, that’s for sure!

Try Knox Karaktär Green here at

And complete your order with even more Knox products here!